Dear participants, members of the jury and all those who showed interest in the competition for grants from the S.Y. Witte Moscow University!

30 January 2024

We are sharing with you a few moments of the process of selecting the best of the best. Our jury, consisting of experienced experts and scientists, argued for a long time over a cup of tea and conducted a thorough analysis of each submitted application. Each project is unique, interesting and covers various aspects of sustainable development. The process of selecting the winners took a long time, because the level of research presented was high and each project deserved careful consideration.

The jury agreed on how difficult it was to identify the leaders in each category. Each participant deserves recognition for their work and contribution to various areas of sustainable development. We would like to thank all the participants for their dedication and innovative approaches.

Nevertheless, we regret to announce that it was originally planned to provide 8 grants in the amount of 250,000 rubles each, but in the end, the decision of the founder established the allocation of only 6 grants.

Congratulations to the winners:

  1. NATALIA E. SERDITOVA (Tver State University): "Interactive electronic flipbook "Sustainable Tomorrow: a guide to climate change, mitigation, adaptation strategies".
  2. SYKTYVKAR STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER PITIRIM SOROKIN (Head of the grant Knyazeva Galina Alekseevna): "The values of sustainable development in the mission of the Northern University."
  3. TARASOVA ELIZAVETA EVGENIEVNA (Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law): "The project of organizing and holding the international conference "The role of universities in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals".
  4. DMITRIEVA ELENA OLEGOVNA (Samara State Technical University): "Interregional hackathon "Environmental sovereignty and the low-carbon future of Russia: the view of youth".
  5. SHVAIKA OLGA IVANOVNA (S.Y. Witte Moscow University, branch in Ryazan): "Development of practical tools for the implementation of the ESG strategy within the framework of business models of social entrepreneurship."
  6. SHAPOVALOV ALEXANDER BORISOVICH (S.Y. Witte Moscow University): "The strategy of adaptation of biosystems by the circulation of matter by nanodestruction as a factor of stability of the phenomenon of life."

Remember that participating in our contest is always a big step, and even if it didn't work out this time, don't despair. Next year you will have the opportunity to try again. We are always open to your suggestions and ideas for the development of the Consortium "Sustainable Development". Witte Moscow State University is ready to cooperate and is always happy to listen to your suggestions.

Thank you all for participating and contributing to our common pursuit of a sustainable future!

Sincerely, the Organizing Committee of the S.Y. Witte Moscow University Grant Competition

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