Grants from the S.Y. Witte Moscow University are targeted funds provided to individuals and legal entities for conducting fundamental and applied scientific research, implementing publishing educational and (or) media projects aimed at achieving the goals and solving the tasks of the Sustainable Development Consortium.
With the formation of the Sustainable Development Consortium in 2022, the Witte Moscow University, as the responsible coordinator of the Sustainable Development Consortium, decided to switch to active financial and organizational support for various projects that meet the goals and objectives of the Sustainable Development Consortium.
The main way of such support is to provide grants on a competitive basis. This opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of various, including private, initiatives in the field of forming an expert community in the field of sustainable development, as well as for identifying and popularizing the best practices of responsible investment, environmental management, adaptation to climate change, and improving the comfort of the human environment.
The Expert Council of the Witte Moscow University adheres to when considering applications for the competitionThe regulations on grants, which prescribes the following principles for the allocation of grants:
- openness to applications and equal access to grants;
- transparency of the application review procedure;
- project support based on co-financing principles;
- prospects for further project implementation after the end of grant financing.
Witte Moscow University keeps records of grants provided and maintains a register of grant projects, concludes a grant agreement with the grantee, monitors the fulfillment of contract terms, analyzes financial and information reports, highlights the progress of projects on the website of the Consortium "Sustainable Development.

Network strategy, socio-spatial and cultural models, technologies, circular economy (closed-loop economy), sharing economy, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, "social bricolage", knowledge sharing, open innovation, ethics and creativity.
The maximum amount of the grant*: 2 grants of 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rubles

Universities are increasingly involved in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The attractiveness of the SDGs is partly based on their dual concept of transformation: They are seen as driving forces of social transformation and transformation within universities.
It is necessary to comprehend and understand how the SDGs affect the transformation of universities.
Proposals for a framework to determine the impact of the SDGs on universities by determining the scale of their changes (i.e. discursive, institutional, relational, and resource impacts) and the depth of the changes (i.e. adaptive, reformatory, or transformative).
How much discursive effects prompt transformational change.
Discussion of the main barriers that hinder the integration of universities with the guiding principles of sustainable development.
Green Campus initiatives as the dissemination of sustainable development in universities.
The maximum amount of the grant*: 2 grants of 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rubles

Network strategy, socio-spatial and cultural models, technologies, circular economy (closed-loop economy), sharing economy, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, "social bricolage", knowledge sharing, open innovation, ethics and creativity.
The maximum amount of the grant*: 2 grants of 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rubles

Network strategy, socio-spatial and cultural models, technologies, circular economy (closed-loop economy), sharing economy, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, "social bricolage", knowledge sharing, open innovation, ethics and creativity.
The maximum amount of the grant*: 2 grants of 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand) rubles
*The grantee has the right to change the maximum amount of the grant in accordance with the Regulations on Grants
Possible results and information support
The expected result of the project (several options are allowed at the same time):
- Movie;
- Website;
- Atlas;
- Monograph;
- An article in a peer-reviewed journal;
- An article in the electronic scientific journal of the University (Required item);
- Methodology;
- Database;
- Conference, school for young scientists, etc.;
- Documentary, feature and animated film;
- TV and radio programs, podcasts;
- Multimedia projects;
- Exhibitions;
- Festivals;
- Journalism;
- Other.
Information support options at the expense of the allocated grant:
- Articles, interviews in the mass media;
- On television, radio (interviews, programs, commercials, etc.);
- In electronic media (articles, interviews, banners, etc.);
- Social media groups;
- Project coverage on the website of the implementing organization;
- Creating your own project website;
- Coverage of the project on the website of the Consortium "Sustainable Development";
- Information and advertising materials (booklets, flyers, etc.).