Young Scientist School

30 May 2024
According to the Project "Values of sustainable Development in the mission of the Northern University", implemented with the grant support of S. Y. Witte Moscow University, on May 28, 2024, a School of a young scientist was held at the Institute of Economics and Management of P. Sorokin Syktyvkar State University.

Participants of the school: experts in the field of sustainable development, teachers-project managers, consultants of speakers of young scientists, masters, bachelors, specialists of the Department of Science of the University, invited researchers of structural divisions of the university.

More than 50 people were present.

The goals, objectives, and activities of the Project "Values of sustainable Development in the mission of the Northern University" were introduced to the audience by the scientific director of the project, Doctor of Economics, Prof. G.A. Knyazeva G. A. - Professor of the Department of Banking at the Institute of Economics and Management.

Experts invited to the school are the head of the Laboratory of Demography and Social Management of the ISE and EPS Komi National Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.V. Fauser, as well as young employees of this laboratory, A. Smirnov.V.- S.N.S., Ph.D. in Economics, Zhuravlev N.Yu.- M.N.S.

The presentations of the experts were made on the global theme for the North "Current problems of demography in the North in the context of sustainable development". A.V. Smirnov's report "The digital twin of the population as a diagnostic tool for the sustainable demographic development of the Russian Arctic" aroused great interest. N. Y. Zhuravlev's report is devoted to the analysis of the demographic situation in the region and the problem of migration outflow of youth.

The second part of the Young Scientist's School was devoted to speeches and reports by young scientists on the results of research activities.

The reports of young scientists can be divided into 2 groups. The first is 4 master's reports based on the first results of the research conducted on the Project, the second is student reports on research conducted under the guidance of teachers and mentors in the context of sustainable development outside the Project.

As a result of the conducted School of the young scientist, one of the goals of the Project was achieved – to involve young people in ensuring the implementation of the SDGs, contributing to their achievement. Young people who are creative, energetic, and have optimistic views about the future can become key drivers of sustainable development not only in the future, but also now. It became clear to students that they have the opportunity to participate in projects with partners from various fields - from the academic community to business and government agencies.

The school of young Scientists plays a key role in this process, forming a new generation of specialists capable of changing the world for the better.

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