Seminar "Ecology and sustainable development: priorities of education and science"

24 March 2023

On October 5, 2022, the seminar "Ecology and Sustainable development: priorities of education and science" was held.

During the seminar, issues related to priorities in the field of environmental education and sustainable development at different levels were discussed.

Sustainable development: problem statement

  • by V.M. Zakharov (IDB RAS). Sustainable development: ecology, economy, society and culture.
  • S.N. Bobylev (Moscow State University).  Sustainable development in new conditions.
  • A.L. Demchuk (Moscow State University). The "green" agenda and modern politics.
Higher education
  • A.V. Semenov (MUIV).  Sustainable development in the education system: the possibilities of the consortium
  • named after M.V. Tereshin (KubGU).  Prospects for regional cooperation.
  • A.A. Avramenko (MGIMO).  Online Library on Sustainable Development.
General education
  • D.S. Ermakov (RUDN).  The "green" school is a center for sustainable development
  • named after S.V. Sumatokhin (MGPU).  The problem of functional literacy formation.

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