Interuniversity competition of student scientific papers "Pro bono: affordable legal assistance"
The competition is timed to coincide with May 5 - the International Day of Struggle for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and is aimed at unlocking the scientific potential of students, developing their interest in scientific and research activities and awareness of the social significance of their chosen profession and involving the younger generation of lawyers in the field of free legal assistance to the least protected segments of the population, including persons with disabilities.
Students involved in the activities of the MUIV Law Clinic and the law clinic of the Law Faculty of TvSU, as well as other legal clinics, are invited to participate in the Competition.
The priority areas of the Competition include:
- International standards of human rights and disability;
- professional ethics in the activities of the legal clinic;
- the practice and problems of providing legal assistance to persons with disabilities;
- State social policy;
- protection of citizens' rights in the context of digitalization;
- the importance of clinical education in the training of a lawyer;
- protection of persons with physical disabilities in criminal proceedings.
Independently completed and completed scientific works of students are provided for the Competition. They can be performed individually or by a team of authors (no more than three people) and must meet the competitive requirements.
Scientific (research, analytical) papers with a volume of 10-20 pages are accepted for the Competition. The paper should present and analyze the problematic aspects of the topic chosen by the contestant; the author's reasoning on the problem, the author's personal point of view on the problem is justified.
The competition work should include the following elements:
Title page (Appendix 2 to the Regulation).
Table of contents.
An introduction explaining the relevance, goals and objectives of the work.
The main part, which reveals the essence and content of the problem under study, the main results of the work.
The conclusion, which lists the main conclusions and results of the work, suggests options for their practical application.
References (a list of sources according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 is provided. The list of references (sources used) is arranged alphabetically, first the sources in Russian, then the sources in English, if any).
The competition work is drawn up in accordance with the rules: A4 page format; page margins: top, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm; font – Times New Roman; size – 14; line spacing – 1.5, indentation – 1.25; width alignment; footnotes – paginated; the text in the tables: size – 12, line spacing – 1.0, the width of the tables should not exceed the width of the main text.
Acceptance of scientific papers is carried out from April 05 to April 30, 2023. The competitive work and the application (appendix 1 to the Regulation) must be sent by e-mail: Itkina Yana Yakovlevna. The evaluation of the competition works is carried out by each member of the Organizing Committee individually by filling out the evaluation protocol (Appendix 3) in the period from 05/01/2023 to 05/14/2023.
Competition Regulations