International Conference "The Role of Universities in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals"
On May 22, the University hosted the International Conference "The Role of Universities in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals". It was organized by the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law and the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia".
The conference was held under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. Information support was provided by the Belgorod Branch of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District.
The event was opened by the Rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Vitalievna Isaenko, who noted the relevance and importance of the conference topic under consideration, since it is aimed at solving the most important problems of society related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations in the Global Agenda. Elena Vitalievna noted the contribution of our university to sustainable development, which it has been making for 45 years, training highly qualified personnel for various sectors of the economy, and also noted the role of the UNESCO Chair "Education for Sustainable Development of Cooperatives" functioning at the University since 2014. She outlined the geography of the participants of the event: 25 universities and organizations from 13 countries of the world – thanked the co-organizers, participants, friends and partners of the university and wished everyone a constructive dialogue, successful and fruitful work.
The participants of the conference were addressed with a welcoming speech:
- Director of the Department of Future Learning and Innovation Sobhi Tawil on behalf of UNESCO Deputy Director General for Education Stefania Giannini.
In the greeting, the importance of rethinking the issues of education and morality development was noted. It is also emphasized that the report of the global expert group on the role of universities in the context of the 2030 Agenda "Knowledge and Action in the context of the transformation of education for global dialogue" may be of particular importance for educational institutions. It recommends that HE institutions become more open, engage in dialogue, integrate knowledge, and take a more active position in society. In addition, it was noted that the role of universities is to achieve one specific goal – 4.7 "To ensure that all students receive the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development, sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, a culture of peace and non-violence, world culture and diversity." It is equally important for universities to create knowledge and share knowledge in the context of the SDGs. - Senior Adviser to the Secretariat of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, K.A. Gaverdovskaya, on behalf of the Executive Secretary of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, T.E. Dovgalenko, congratulated the UNESCO Chair of the BOOKEP "Education for Sustainable Development of Cooperatives" on its 10th anniversary, noted that quality education is closely linked to the achievement of other sustainable development goals, and professionals will deal with them the decision, and outlined the role of universities in establishing international relations, in involving young people in sustainable development projects.
- Chairman of the General Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Interethnic Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences S.K. Smirnova. Svetlana Konstantinovna noted that the conference provides an opportunity to interact with young people, which is currently of great interest. After all, it is young people who will shape the future of our countries. The speaker also noted the goals of the work of the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia and invited all those present to take part in the World Public Summit, which will be held in May 2025 with the participation of public world leaders.
- Director of the FAO Office for Communication with the Russian Federation O.Y. Kobyakov. Oleg Yurievich emphasized the introduction of UNESCO's experience into the work of FAO and the creation of FAO departments in Russian universities. He also identified education as the key to solving the problems of humanity, without which it is impossible to achieve the key goals of sustainable development – to overcome poverty and hunger. The moderator of the event was the first Vice-rector for Scientific Work of BUKEP, Executive Director of the UNESCO Chair "Education for Sustainable Development of Cooperatives", Doctor of Economics, Professor Elizaveta Evgenievna Tarasova.
- A.V. Ochirova, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, member of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Doctor of Philos. Sciences, Russian Federation. In the report "Problems of humanitarian modernization in the interests of education for sustainable development", Alexandra Vasilyevna noted that an important issue on the world agenda is awareness of the common goals of the development of human civilization, its stability and security, at the same time, civilization is overflowing with contradictions, risks and challenges, natural and technological disasters, military conflicts, hunger and poverty. But she devoted a special place to ideological risks such as fascism, nationalism, terrorism, and she also focused on the global spiritual and moral crisis in the management of the world order, which requires serious strategic decisions and the practice of their implementation. The speaker noted that our world has reached the complexity of its characteristics, types of activities that are ahead of the progress of the humanities, and this world is managed from one center. The speaker called this condition contrary to the theory of systems and noted the global risks that have escalated against this background. The speaker called the preservation of identity, integrity, subjectivity the only way to solve this issue in order to create a harmonious transition from technological civilization to its humanitarian stage. A.V. Ochirova called the search for managerial solutions to return a person to his place in development, the definition of new protocols of interaction and the introduction of common strategic resources, which are truth and morality, a priority task for education, science, culture and public diplomacy.
- Yu.N. Sayamov, Head of the UNESCO Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, full member of the World Academy of Arts and Science and the Club of Rome, Russian Federation. In his speech on the topic "The role of UNESCO chairs in the implementation of the Global Development Agenda", Yuri Nikolaevich noted that education plays an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including emphasizing the role of UNESCO chairs, which over the past 30 years have been established in more than 800 130 countries. He outlined the role of his department in developing the concept of 5D in relation to education: decolonization – liberation of education from the imposition of any standards, devesternization, demonopolization – recognition of the value of national educational systems, decommertionalization – rejection of market principles and an approach to education as only paid services, as well as deprimitivization – the rejection of the primitive presentation of minimum education and the inclusion in it of teaching global problems and risks, and also emphasized the need to liberate education from Nazism, racism, false information, double standards and more. He noted the importance of regenerative education – education aimed at restoring the lost values of education, and also stressed that the inclusion of education in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals should become a priority, including for UNESCO chairs.
- Abraham Altonayan, Ph.D., Member of the Advisory Board of King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In his speech "The role of the education system in the implementation of the Sustainable Environmental Development Goals (SDGs)", the speaker noted that universities can be involved in the implementation of half of the SDGs. Universities are a key link in the implementation of the SDGs, they can work with various categories (parents, university employees, students), as well as interact with the government in achieving the SDGs. He also noted the special role of volunteers in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, among which there may also be students, teachers and university staff.
- Tony Maalouf, Chairman of the Association of Graduates of Universities of the USSR and Russia in Lebanon, Chairman of the Union of Arab Associations of Graduates of the USSR and Russia, Lebanese Republic. In the report on the topic "Efficient use of resources as a basis for sustainable development: the experience of Lebanon", the speaker focused on the importance of efficient use of resources, as well as the task facing society of conserving resources and developing technologies for the implementation of the SDGs. He stressed that the efficient use of resources is the key to sustainable development and the preservation of the environment for future generations. He also elaborated on Lebanon's experience in the use of solar energy, the environmental and economic benefits obtained in this regard, as well as the measures taken by the Government of Lebanon to promote the use of solar energy in the country.
- Ali Rashid, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Housing, Land Relations and Urban Development, Republic of Maldives. Speaking on the topic "Promoting sustainable development through education: the role of Maldivian universities in achieving the SDGs", the speaker noted the important role of universities in achieving the SDGs by improving and disseminating knowledge at various levels, studying and disseminating positive experiences, developing talents and educating young leaders who can take various initiatives. He also stressed that young people and the whole society should be actively involved in achieving the SDGs.
- V.V. Yanovsky, Head of the Financial Market Development Department of the Belgorod Branch of the Central Federal District of the Central Bank of Russia, Russian Federation. In the report "The Agenda of the Bank of Russia in the field of sustainable development", Vladimir Valerievich stressed that despite the predominance of transformation tasks, the sustainable development Goals have not lost their importance and financial regulators pay great attention to them, since ESG risks can have a significant impact on the stability of the financial system. The speaker named the creation of conditions for its financing as the main role of the Bank of Russia in the field of sustainable development. He also noted that the Bank of Russia is a pioneer of sustainable development, introducing its principles into its contour, and also outlined the prospects of the Bank of Russia in the field of sustainable development.
- D.A. Mirpochoev, Deputy Director for Science and International Relations, Institute of Economics and Trade, Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand, Republic of Tajikistan. Dalerjon Alijonovich in his report "Universities as centers of research and innovation for sustainable development" noted that universities play a key role in promoting the SDGs: they are centers for the dissemination of new knowledge and project development, have the capacity to conduct necessary scientific research, encourage entrepreneurship through business incubators and accelerators. The speaker named the state of scientific potential as a key factor in stimulating innovation and presented the results of an analysis of its structure and dynamics in Tajikistan.
- T.V. Bratarchuk, Director of the Institute of Open Education of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Russian Federation. In the report "The role of innovative educational tools in achieving sustainable development goals", Tatyana Vitalievna spoke about the experience of the institute in providing affordable education regardless of the geography and characteristics of students, emphasized the adaptation and responsiveness of the university to the demands and needs of the market. The speaker noted the use of synchronous, asynchronous and mixed learning formats by the university, dwelled in detail on the introduction of high-tech digital technologies (open online academy, simulators and simulators, chatbots and others), outlined promising university projects based on the use of digital technologies.
- Павел Лаврентьев-Грасс, социолог, доктор международной политэкономии Федерального университета Рио де Жанейро, директор консалтинговой компании TROPICAL BRICS+, Федеративная Республика Бразилия. В докладе «Россия – Бразилия: мосты сотрудничества» выступающий познакомил слушателей со страной, отдельными крупными городами, отметил направления и сферы взаимодействия между нашими странами, обозначил развивающиеся отрасли нуждающиеся в инвестициях. Также выступающий отметил возможности для российских вузов (открытие центров изучения русского языка, новые программы по обмену студентами и другие), подробно остановился на проектах устойчивого развития, реализуемых в Бразилии (переработка алюминиевых банок, высадка эвкалиптов и других).
- Джуд Онвуньиримаду, ассистент лектора Федерального университета Отуоке, Федеративная Республика Нигерия. В выступлении «Роль университетов в достижении ЦУР 4 в странах Африки к югу от Сахары» докладчик обозначил роль университетов в подготовке высококлассной рабочей силы, в том числе учителей и преподавателей, являющейся инструментом для избежания бедности. При этом он отметил проблемы в сфере образования, существующие в странах Африки к югу от Сахары, в том числе связанные с получением общего образования. Также докладчик назвал ряд мер, принятие которых необходимо для достижения ЦУР в области обеспечения доступного образования.
- M.V. Antonova, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Customs Revenue, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian Federation. In the report "Methodological approaches to assessing the creditworthiness of corporate borrowers taking into account ESG factors" Marina Vyacheslavovna noted that the Department of Finance and Customs Revenue has been conducting scientific research on the use of ESG factors, ESG criteria, ESG risks in the activities of organizations for several years. According to the results of these studies, it was revealed that the ESG agenda is an urgent strategic direction for the development of the Russian economy. The speaker noted that one of the business financing tools is lending, in which any potential borrower undergoes a creditworthiness assessment procedure. In this regard, the department has developed an author's methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of a corporate borrower taking into account ESG factors, which allows assessing the ESG risks of an organization Based on this methodology, software has been developed: A computer program "Assessing the creditworthiness of corporate borrowers taking into account ESG factors".
- А.А. Гусакова, магистрант Белорусского торгово-экономического университета потребительской кооперации, Республика Беларусь. Выступая на тему «Приоритетные направления развития агроэкотуризма в Республике Беларусь», Анна Андреевна осветила успехи в развитии агротуризма в Републике Беларусь, обозначила преимущества и возможности республики при развитии данного вида туризма такие, как богатое историческое наследие, природные ландшафты, наличие традиций, национальной кухни, развитой сферы эко-ферм и другие.
- N.A. Chumakova, PhD student, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Russian Federation. Speaking on the topic "The impact of nutrition on human health", Nadezhda Andreevna focused on the impact of a healthy diet on people's well-being and productivity, as well as on the environment by reducing emissions, saving water and more. She suggested a number of steps towards a sustainable healthy diet. The speaker also noted the increase in the consumption of confectionery products in Russia and shared the results of her own developments on the creation of confectionery products using soy as a source of vegetable protein and the results of assessing their positive impact on human health.A.A. Batueva, a student at the TISBI University of Management, head of the Student Environmental scientific community of Sailau, Russian Federation. In the report "Implementation of the principles of sustainable development in Russian universities using the example of the University of Management TISBI, Anastasia Alexandrovna spoke about the implementation of EGS principles in the university's activities and a successfully implemented large-scale environmental project, which included the opening of an environmental center, an environmental forum and a marathon, the creation of a chatbot, the organization of separate garbage collection and other events.
- D.S. Razumov, Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Education and Educational Work, International Academy of Business and New Technologies (MUBiNT), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian Federation. In the report "Youth policy and educational activities of the university in modern conditions, solutions: the experience of the MUBiNT Academy" Dmitry Sergeevich reflected the university's experience in organizing educational activities with representatives of generation Z, in particular, he elaborated on the digital technologies used: the game platform "Engage". He also noted the developed system of student self–government bodies at the university and the projects implemented jointly with them: AIS "Young Compatriots" and "Fellow Countrymen - heroes of Labor".
- V.S. Shcherbin, Master's student at Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Russian Federation. In his speech "Media surveillance as an effective form of implementing the youth electoral concept", Valentin Sergeevich elaborated on the youth electoral concept, as well as media surveillance, which plays an important role in achieving UNESCO's 16th Sustainable Development Goal, aimed at promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for all and creating effective, responsible and universal institutions at all levels. The speaker also shared his own experience of participating in elections at various levels, including the President of Russia, as media observers.
- О.Э. Еськов, аспирант Белгородского университета кооперации, экономики и права, Российская Федерация. В докладе «Устойчивое развитие компании на основе использования принципов проектного управления» Олег Эдуардович раскрыл взаимосвязь устойчивого развития и проектного управления, остановился на инструментарии и методологии, используемых в рамках устойчивого проектного управления, назвал компании, успешно внедрившие проектное управление в свою деятельность, обозначил технологии, используемые в устойчивом проектном управлении.
At the end of the conference, E.E. Tarasova noted that within the framework of its holding, the goals of sustainable development in education, health, services and others were considered. The conference was supported at a high level and became a platform for involving young people in the implementation of sustainable development goals. She also noted that the discussion of this issue will be continued in the future on other discussion platforms.
The conference was held with the financial support of the Private educational institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University named after S.Y. Witte" (CHOUVO "MU named after S. Y. Witte").