"Thoughtful Reader-2024" Competition
Fr om February 1 to 9, the Central City Children's Library named after A. P. Gaidar in Moscow hosted the "Thoughtful Reader" competition, dedicated to reviews and critiques of new children's books.
Young readers fr om various cities and newly integrated regions of Russia participated in the competition, including Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Kemerovo Region, Moscow, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod Regions, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, St. Petersburg, and Saratov. Out of more than 400 submitted works, 50 were selected as finalists.
In their reviews, children thoughtfully highlighted significant themes, including ecology and sustainable development. Special prizes for the best review of an environmentally focused book were awarded to:
Denis Drokin, Moscow, School No. 830, Grade 4B – Review of the book "Lemmings – The Heart of the Mountains" by Nina Elisabeth Eide and Inger Lise Belsvik (Paulsen Publishing, 2022).
"I thank the authors for raising important topics such as climate change, our ecological footprint, and global warming. It is crucial for kids my age to understand that the future of our planet depends on us. The book provides specific examples of what needs to be done today to ensure that we continue to live in a beautiful world wh ere lemmings and other wonderful animals and plants exist. For example, I collect waste paper and plastic bottle caps and take them for recycling. This book teaches a lot and gives much to think about. My mom and I even found the 'Learn More' section at the end of the book, wh ere the publishers generously share information about other books on lemmings and environmental conservation. I highly recommend 'Lemmings – The Heart of the Mountains' to all thoughtful readers—ordinary boys and girls who love nature."
Kirill Chernov, St. Petersburg, School No. 154, Grade 6N – Review of the book "The Soul of the Serpent. On Onataru" by Ekaterina Korobova (Abrikobooks Publishing, 2024).
"What they [the Otherworlders] cherished most was the forest. The forest was their home, their sanctuary, their temple. But then came the 'great disaster': trash began to appear in their world. As it turned out, it was coming from our Earth, which had by then been polluted to the brim. 'Saviors' from our planet found a 'window' and dumped all the garbage into it. And now, another planet—the world of the Otherworlders—was beginning to be poisoned." I also loved this book for its thrilling plot, unexpected twists, and vivid character descriptions. It is a story with a complex resolution, beautiful storytelling, a touch of sadness, and humorous moments—an ideal combination for a fan of science fiction and adventure like me."
**The award ceremony took place on February 9, 2025, at the Moscow Transport