How to join a consortium

Dear colleagues!

We suggest you consider joining the Consortium "Sustainable Development".

The consortium was created on the initiative of the Moscow State University. Witte in 2022, together with a number of Universities, academic institutions, business representatives and other interested organizations.

The consortium was created with the aim of developing a culture of responsible attitude to the environment.

The purpose of the Consortium is an informal association to ensure progress towards sustainable development. Despite the undoubted relevance and importance of this direction, the necessary base for this, especially in the field of education, remains insufficiently developed. The future we want is already being formed today in educational institutions of all levels.

Everyone should have the opportunity to cultivate this culture, acquire the necessary knowledge and modern practical competencies in this area, preserving and developing cultural and natural heritage. Joining efforts to solve this problem is the priority of the Consortium's work.

Among the first results of the Consortium's work are conferences and seminars, the publication of a textbook on sustainable development and a review of regional experience in the field of education.

The Consortium's work is coordinated by the Moscow State University. Witte is funded by the University and does not bear any financial burden for the consortium members. Moscow State University named after Witte provides all the necessary organizational, informational and resource support for the implemented infrastructure projects.

We will be glad to see your participation and suggestions on the organization of its work.

Consortium documents