
The Sustainable Development Consortium, based at the S.Y. Witte Moscow University (hereinafter referred to as the Consortium), is established with the aim of uniting the efforts of legal entities within its composition to address the tasks of preparing highly qualified specialists, developing scientific and innovative activities in the field of sustainable development, and promoting a culture within society to overcome crises in ecology, climate, education, and other areas related to Sustainable Development Goals.

The Consortium is a combination of Russian educational institutions of higher and secondary professional education, organizations from the real sector of the economy, scientific and other organizations that have entered into an Agreement to create the Consortium (accession agreement) (hereinafter - the Agreement) by joining in accordance with the procedure established by the Agreement. The Consortium is not a legal entity. Consortium participants operate based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charters of organizations, the Agreement, this Regulation, the Consortium Development Program, and other agreements concluded both between individual Consortium participants, between the Consortium Coordinator and individual participants, as well as with third parties involved in carrying out work (providing services) envisaged by the Consortium Development Program.

The aim of the Consortium is to develop a culture of responsible environmental stewardship through the formation of a scientific and educational system that includes applied research and analytics, multi-level educational programs, as well as tools and mechanisms for implementing scientific and educational content based on the creative, scientific, social, and entrepreneurial activities of students, experts, and teachers.

The tasks of the Consortium include:

  • Formation of an expert community in the field of sustainable development comprising representatives from the scientific, educational, and business communities, as well as representatives of interested non-governmental organizations and executive authorities at various levels.
  • Identification, monitoring, analysis, and promotion of best practices in responsible investing, natural resource management, climate change adaptation, improvement of ecology and living conditions.
  • Talent identification among schoolchildren and students, organization of pre-professional training, support in shaping future career paths and corresponding individual educational trajectories in the field of sustainable development.
  • Development and application of expert assessment technologies and assessment materials for competencies in sustainable development.
  • Design of multi-level educational programs, including those for implementation in networked and distance formats, as well as on open educational platforms.
  • Organization of methodological and methodological support for the development/adaptation of educational programs, application of expert assessment technologies.
  • Creation of conditions for scaling up best practices in sustainable development through the implementation of entrepreneurial, social, and image projects.

The main directions of activity of the Consortium include:

  • Implementation of joint scientific projects: Conducting fundamental and applied research projects in the field of sustainable development through collaborative efforts.
  • Joint preparation and publication of educational, methodological, scientific, reference, and monographic literature, as well as information, analytical, and other materials to disseminate knowledge and best practices.
  • Development of expert assessment technologies and assessment tools to determine the level of competence in the field of sustainable development, ensuring effective evaluation of individuals and programs.
  • Development of cluster educational programs: Designing educational programs implemented across multiple areas of expertise to train professionals in interdisciplinary fields such as informatics, natural sciences, and humanities.
  • Development of additional education programs: Designing and implementing supplementary educational programs in sustainable development for children of all age groups to promote awareness and understanding of sustainability issues.
  • Development and implementation of additional professional educational programs: Creating programs for skill enhancement and retraining of personnel in both the education sector and the broader economy of the country.
  • Testing innovative products: Testing innovative educational products developed or adapted in accordance with the goals of the Consortium through educational programs offered by Consortium members.
  • Methodological support: Providing methodological and methodological support for the joint development/adaptation of educational programs to ensure consistency and quality.
  • Talent management: Identifying and nurturing young talents in the field of sustainable development, assisting in the formulation and implementation of individual career paths and educational trajectories.
  • Promotion of successful practices: Popularizing successful practices and experiences through workshops, foresight sessions, methodological seminars, conferences, and other events to facilitate knowledge sharing and capacity building.
  • Implementation of joint social and entrepreneurial projects: Implementing joint projects aimed at applying developments and best practices in the field of sustainable development in new regions or sectors of activity, fostering sustainable growth and innovation.