Greeting from the Rector

"The Best Science for a Better World"

Dear portal guests, let me welcome you to our resource.

What is the Consortium?

The Consortium is established with the aim of fostering a culture of responsible environmental stewardship. Its purpose is to be an informal alliance for advancing towards sustainable development. Despite the undeniable relevance and importance of this direction, the necessary foundation, especially in the field of education, remains insufficiently developed. The future we desire is being shaped today in educational institutions at all levels. Schoolchildren and students should have the opportunity to cultivate this culture within themselves, acquire the necessary knowledge and contemporary practical competencies in this area, while also preserving and enhancing the ecosystem of their local area, city, country, and the world as a whole. The concerted effort to address this task is the priority of the Consortium's work.

Among the initial results of the Consortium's work are conferences and seminars, the publication of educational materials on sustainable development, and a review of regional experience in the field of education.

At this stage, the Consortium's work is coordinated by the Witte University of Moscow, funded by the University and does not impose any financial burden on its members. The Witte University of Moscow provides all the necessary organizational, informational, and resource support for the implemented projects.

I am confident that scientific innovations and technologies will help preserve the planet for future generations, and this will be the best gift for our descendants. Our collective aspiration for leadership in the "sustainable" segment of Russian science will be realized in the near future.

Join us for sustainable development!

Rector of S.Y. Witte Moscow University - Semenov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

With deep respect,
Semenov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Rector of S.Y. Witte Moscow University

Partners and Participants of the Consortium